Does Your Brand Own a Unique Place on Second Screen?
The present mobile era has given birth to a new trend. TV viewers who, earlier, were glued to the idiot box are now drifting towards using Smartphones, Tablets and PCs. Termed as second screen, the internet connected devices are not distracting viewers from watching TV, instead helping them in taking part in the programs running on the big screen. Fig.1 describes how people took part in the Presidential election in the US. TV channels were used to watch the latest address congress, whereas, second screen, i.e. tablets were used to take part in the polls where viewers can share their opinion about the same. Viewers also used the social media sites, such as, Facebook, to comment on what they watched on the TV.
Fig. 1 |
More and more viewers are using the second screen to know more about the shows [Fig.2] and their characters. According to a report published in Dec 2012, by a research company, 77% people used a companion screen while watching TV in October 2012.
[Source: The Intersection]
Fig.2 |
88% of tablet owners and 87% of smartphone owners are actively using their mobile devices as the second screen, according to a recent study by Nielsen.
[Fig. 3]
Fig.3 |
Fig. 4 describes how people are using their smartphones and tablets "during the program.” However, users cannot escape the presence of advertisements while doing these activities on their internet connected devices.
Fig. 4 |
Several people respond to TV ad content by doing searches or looking up product information on the social media through the mobile devices.
[Fig. 5]
Fig. 5 |
When the Blackout occurred during the third quarter of this year’s Super Bowl, brands diverted their attention towards social media sites. One of the most successful advertising attempts was the Oreo ad, which was tweeted almost immediately after the blackout occurred. With more than 16,000 re-tweets and 6200 favorites Oreo ad aired immediately after the blackout was considered one of the most successful advertising campaigns.
Marketers are taking full advantage of this convergence of main screen with the internet connected devices by promoting their products on the popular social media sites, before even launching on the main screen. For instance, Warner Bros released a trailer of their movie, 300: Rise of an Empire, on various social media sites. The two-and-a-half minute trailer got over 10 million likes on Facebook.
[Fig. 6]
Fig. 6 |
Various brands focus on creating engaging experience for consumers to capitalize on the growing trend of using second screen. Companies are taking advantage of this trend by creating mobile apps for their programs which users can view on their mobile devices. The marketers know the importance of having mobile presence for their brand as apps have already surpassed the web when it comes to consumer time-spent
[Fig.7], and are second only to time spent watching television.
[Source: ComScore]
Fig. 7 |
Some of the most popular apps include Miso and GetGlue. These sites provide an app that allows the users to select the show of their own choice and join the conversation with others in their network even if the show is not being aired currently. Both apps can be linked to the users Facebook or Twitter profiles, giving them the opportunity to interact with others who share a similar interest.
NBC recently announced that its new game show, The Million Second Quiz will have a second screen component that includes parallel competitions.
Fig. 8 |
Emergence of second screen is bringing together the users and the retailers. It is turning them in to active users from being passive users earlier. So what are you waiting for? Get your brand its unique place on the mobile devices and reach users even when they are not watching TV.
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